You can now consult the minutes of the SIPS 2021 Congress held in Lugo, focused on sustainability

The SIPS International Congress held its XXXIII edition in autumn 2021, with Lugo as the main location. This Congress, organized by the Ibero-American Society for Social Pedagogy, had sustainability as its main axis in this last edition, under the title “Environmental Education and Culture of Sustainability: building the ecological transition”.
The Minutes corresponding to the intervention on November 5th in which the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico was presented is now available on our website, and for download through this link.
This encounter was directed by Antonio Rigueiro, professor at the Campus Terra Polytechnic School of Engineering and one of the project partners. The lecture “Ecosocial Education Experiences“, featured the presentation “The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project as an ecosocial education experience” and could be followed in person from Lugo and via streaming through Youtube.