The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico receives the visit of the CIFP Politécnico de Lugo

LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico is the protagonist at the CIFP Politécnico de Lugo, with activities that will take place on March 24 and 25. On Wednesday March 24, between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. the students of the Middle Cycle of Construction and of the Higher Cycle of Building Projects will visit the facilities of the Impulso Verde building, a flagship of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project and the first public building built entirely of wood from Galicia.
On Thursday 25 from 12 noon, an informative day about the project will be held at the CIFP Politécnico for the same students, in which emphasis will be placed on the development of the Multiecological Neighborhood projected in A Garaballa and in the construction process of the Impulso Verde building. Both activities will be developed taking into account sanitary measures.
Impulso Verde is a building with a structure of cross-laminated wood panels and beams and foundations of glued laminated wood that is being erected in A Garaballa, and that is the first step for the development of the Multiecological neighborhood of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project. The building works, which began at the end of 2020, have an execution period of 15 months and they are being made with Galician wood, specifically from A Mariña. For public use and with permanent activity, the intention is for this building to host municipal services and a coworking for companies related to the environment and fight climate change.
The construction of the building is based on the assembly of CLT panels that are raised on a concrete slab and are joined by means of metal brackets and lag screws. In a first step, the central laminated wood structure was installed on the ground floor and panels. Afterwards, the first floor slab panels and the upper walls and slabs were placed, up to the roof. Currently, after the installation of the gridshell, work is being done on the division and installation of stairs, partitions and interior carpentry, before proceeding with the installation of the roof.
Impulso Verde will imply energy savings of 74% compared to existing office buildings, and 54% compared to new construction. In terms of CO2, it will emit 90% less than concrete and steel buildings (50 tons compared to 470) and, in addition, it will absorb 280 tons of emissions. It is a building with almost zero energy balance that will be monitored once it is built, to evaluate its performance and even detect if it can generate more energy than it consumes.
From a spatial point of view, the building will connect the user with nature through the use of wood and the insertion of landscaped spaces for rest, since it will be surrounded by a new park with draining pavements, native species, rain gardens and a large area of urban gardens.
The Multiecological Neighborhood is a project of the City Council of Lugo that will be developed in A Garaballa. This neighborhood, which was presented by the Mayor Lara Méndez to the residents of the area in the past 2020 with a great reception, seeks to guarantee inclusion and social and intergenerational equity, as well as promote health and well-being through the development of an urban village that apply environmental solutions.
The solutions that are expected to be developed in the Multiecological Neighborhood range from the collection of rainwater for reuse, for example in the irrigation of green areas, to the implementation of a system own reuse of the organic fraction of waste. In the design of buildings, the inclusion of bioclimatic and energy efficiency criteria will be required, and will have measures for the generation of renewable energy, the promotion of sustainable mobility, the use of green materials and technologies and energy saving, orienting roads, green areas or buildings to take advantage of the sun and prevailing winds.