The Impulso Verde building will be built with certified wood from A Mariña

The works of the Impulso Verde building, which will be built in the A Garaballa area within the framework of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project, have been awarded by 1.5 million to the company EGOIN SA last week. This company has reached an agreement with the Luguese sawmill Hijos de Ramón Rubal, located in Alfoz, for the supply of wood, with what Impulso Verde will be the first public building in Galicia that is built entirely with certified native wood, specifically from A Mariña, fulfilling one of the fundamental requirements established in the specifications conditions prepared by the Council executive.
This Monday, September 7, the Mayor of Lugo, Lara Méndez, and the Councilor for Sustainable Urbanism, Miguel Couto, accompanied by the Provincial Deputy Pablo Rivera and the Alfoz Council, Jorge Val, visited the facilities of the sawmill that will be in charge of supplying the 430 m3 of wood needed to manufacture the planks that will be used in the construction of Impulso Verde. The institutional delegation held a meeting with their managers to see first-hand this work center, a benchmark in the forestry sector in the north of the community.
During the visit, Lara Méndez highlighted that “since we started the project and, despite the initial difficulties, we have maintained our firm commitment to bet on the wood of our mountain as the main constructive element of the building, since we want to show that a new construction model that is more respectful with the environment is not only possible, but also can help boost a sector that has a great weight in our economy such as forestry”.
The construction model on which Impulso Verde is based will imply energy consumption savings of 74% compared to existing office buildings, and 54% compared to new construction. As regards CO2, it will emit 90% less than concrete and steel buildings (50 tons compared to 470) and, in addition, it will absorb 280 tons of emissions. Impulso Verde will be the seed of the first Multi-ecological Neighborhood that will be built in Spain from scratch and that will combine urban and building solutions, which will also be collected in a pioneer Catalog of Sustainable Solutions of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico.