The CEIP As Mercedes received the visit of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico

Within the activities programmed in the Foro Verde of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico in these months a series of visits to first grade schools are being held in the city of Lugo and its area.
In the past weeks, members of the project partners visited the CEIP Albeiros on the occasion of World Wetlands Day. On this occasion, the visit was to the CEIP As Mercedes, in which the students of First Grade School were able to discover all the activities included in the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project. In addition, to contribute with the actions of recovery of native species, the students of 2nd grade planted two poplars to study in the classroom the planting and growth process of these trees.
The visits will continue in the coming weeks and the dates can be found in our calendar.