Meeting with the LIFE Program Monitor

Today, December 19, we received the LIFE Program Monitor visit to hold the annual control and monitoring meeting of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico.
During this meeting, the Monitor has been able to evaluate and know first hand the progress that is taking place in the project and the lines of action that will be followed in the coming months.
The European monitor Dimas Ramos, the people responsible for the project at the City Council of Lugo, the mayor of Lugo Lara Méndez, professors and technicians of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as well as members of PEMADE were present at the control meeting. This meeting has been coordinated by the LIFE project manager, Boris Hinojo.
The focus of the meeting has been the evaluation of the progress made in each of the actions developed so far, presented by each of the partners involved in them. In addition, the results have been shared, the project’s financial status has been reviewed and the next steps to be taken in the immediate future have been put on the table, such as the bidding of the Impulso Verde building and the multi-ecological neighborhood establishment.