Meeting of the committee of experts for the bidding of the Biodynamic Strategic Plan
This Friday June 7 will meet in Lugo the Committee of experts to initiate the bidding process of the Strategic Biodynamic Plan of the city, which will lay the foundations of the future multiecological neighborhood of Lugo, one of the main axes of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico. This plan aims to become an example of residential urban development that values native wood and sustainable forest management.
The committee of experts that will be in charge of examine the proposals presented has experience in the evaluation of bidding proposals for engineering and architectural projects, with a marked intellectual character. Its functions include evaluating that each of the proposals develop an urban planning that serves as a model for adaptation to climate change for the city of Lugo as well as for other municipalities of similar size in the EU.
Thus, the objective criteria to be assessed will be: the technical quality of the proposal, which will include compliance with the objectives of the Biodynamic Strategic Plan, as well as the originality, innovation and versatility of the proposal, and criteria related to the European Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities, which assess the appropriateness of the proposals in terms of space, governmental, social, economic and environmental dimensions.
The committee of experts are Raúl José Veiga Lamelas, architect and acting president of the Lugo delegation of the Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Lugo; Gerardo Pallares Sánchez, engineer and provincial representative of the Colexio de Enxeñeiros de Camiños, Canles e Portos de Galicia; Pedro Calaza Martínez, dean of the Colexio de Enxeñeiros Agrónomos de Galicia and Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez, Doctor of Forestry Engineering and Professor of the Universidade in the Department of Vexetal Production and Enxeñaría Projects at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Besides, Marta Carballal Neira, enxeñeira de Camiños, Canles e Portos do Concello de Lugo and Ana Isabel Sáez Mancebo, technician of general administration of the contracting service of the City Council of Lugo will participate in the Committee.
In the next days we will know the result of the evaluation by the Committee of the different proposals presented, as well as the winner who will develop the Biodynamic Strategic Plan to be implemented in the city of Lugo.