Meet “Lugo Cidade Viva”, the Council’s newsletter to sensitize the population about climate change

“Lugo Cidade Viva” is a newsletter that was born in February 2021 from the City Council of Lugo with the aim of inform, raise awareness and sensitize residents about the effects of climate change, offering alternatives to combat it through sustainability. As an incentive during its launch, and to achieve the highest possible number of subscriptions, the Council will give away a chestnut tree from the As Gándaras urban forest of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project to the first 450 people that they sign up to receive the newsletter in their email.
The “Lugo Cidade Viva” newsletter, which will be published every fortnight, is part of the initiatives that the City Council is developing under the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project. In this new website, subscribers will find relevant information on the actions that are being developed in the municipality in terms of sustainability, issues related to new practices and policies of sustainable urban development and also on similar initiatives in other cities of the world.
In the words of the Mayor of Lugo, Lara Méndez, “we want to make this new paradigm a part of all the people of Lugo by bringing them the latest news about the progress that Lugo and the rest of the cities are carrying out to be more resilient against the climate emergency, as well as information on how citizens can contribute to the fight against climate change in their day-to-day life”. With this initiative, the Council seeks to involve citizens to create social awareness about a problem that affects the entire population such as climate change and air pollution, based on the premise that environmental knowledge and education are essential to understand individual and collective responsibilities, as well as the benefits of caring for and preserving natural resources of which we have.
The “Lugo Cidade Viva” project has a web page, and it also has profiles on Facebook (/lugocidadeviva) and Instagram (@lugocidadeviva) in which content related to environmental issues will be shared.