LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico will be present at Biocastanea 2019

The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project will be present at the X Chestnut Fair, Biocastanea 2019, to be held in Ponferrada from November 11 to 17, organized by the Mesa del Castaño del Bierzo. This fair has, as in previous years, workshops for professionals, dissemination sessions for all audiences and trade fair for samples and tasting of products. In the last edition, LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico already had a presence with an exhibition presenting the actions developed so far.
In the professional section of this edition, Castañicultor, Pablo Antonio Fraga, agricultural engineer and partner of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project, will give a presentation on Friday 15 in the afternoon under the name “Establishment of a ‘Souto’ with traditional Galician varieties of chestnuts in urban surroundings. LIFE LUGO + BIODINÁMICO Project”, within the sessions dedicated to Soutos Management.
The technical-scientific conferences of Biocastanea have as their aim the promotion and revitalization of the sector of the chestnut care, raising awareness in this way about the importance of the survival of the local species of each zone and in the whole of Spain, within the framework of the European Union, as a cultural, landscape, environmental and economic element, transferring the knowledge acquired through research projects such as LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico to the social and business sector of each region.
The registration period to attend the workshops and professional talks is still open.