LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico will be at PLEA2020

Between the days 1 and 3 September will take place PLEA2020, the 35th Congress of Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design. The theme of this edition will be focused on post-carbon city planning and on sustainable design, architecture and urban planning solutions.
This congress, which was initially designed to be held in the city of A Coruña, will take place in telematic format to guarantee the safety of both the attendees and the speakers who will participate in each one of the presentations.
Over three days this congress will be reeling off the different initiatives, studies and applications that are being carried out internationally in the fields of sustainable architecture and design. Urban developments, construction and planning initiatives will be analyzed through conferences, workshops and publications that will be presented during these days. The community that makes up the PLEA association includes thousands of professionals, academics and students from 40 countries, who seek to share all their knowledge related to passive architecture and low-consumption construction.
The theme of this year’s edition is Post-Carbon City Planning, exploring the interaction between research, technology and design to be able to define and plan the cities of the future. This is where the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico comes in. Our project will participate on Thursday 3rd at the session EDU-3: Education from 7:05 am to 7:55 pm, together with the universities of Edinburgh, Venice, Cali and Minas Gerais, presenting the planning of the Multiecological Neighbourhood as a model of urban resilience exportable to other medium-sized cities. This presentation will be given by Boris Hinojo, project manager, Susana Penedo, municipal architect of the Concello de Lugo and Susana Martínez, 3edata engineer. The documentation to be presented can be downloaded here.
The objective of the 2020 conference is to bring together designers, academics, researchers, students and professionals in search of better and more sustainable environments.