LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico travels to Japan as an example of sustainable urbanism

The European Commission has selected the candidacy of the Council of Lugo and the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico to participate in the International Program for Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC), which focuses its actions on sustainable urban development and innovation. The purpose of this meeting is to create a Global Reference Network in which cities share experiences and knowledge, key to the external dimension of the European Union.
Through this program, Lugo will be presented at a meeting with the Japanese country as a city transformation model, led by the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project, which promotes sustainable urbanism through the commitment to wood as a building material for cities that are resilient against climate change, with initiatives such as Impulso Verde building or the first multi-ecological neighborhood in Spain. In this candidacy, Lugo’s ability to adapt to climate change has been valued, that projects are carried out taking advantage of its own natural resources such as wood, and its commitment to promoting a green and circular economy.
Lugo will go to Japan to share his experience, and this exchange includes government experience and knowledge at various levels, study visits and the creation of synergies. Lara Méndez highlights the importance of this opportunity for the purposes of social and economic promotion “since we will also work so that it can be a gateway for investors”. The mayor indicated “that the candidacy will address thematic networks related to the ecological transition and the circular economy, urban renewal and sustainable agriculture and mobility.”
The International Urban and Regional Cooperation Program (IURC) is organized between cities and, in this case, Lugo will go to Japan with Donosti.