LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico participates in the launch of the UrbanByNature Spanish Hub

This Thursday, November 25, LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico was present at the launch of the Spanish UrbanByNature Hub held at the Ágora Center in A Coruña.
The project was presented in the morning session of the meeting, at the table focused on the “Potential of Nature-Based Solutions to promote urban regeneration“, among other projects from the cities of Oporto, Madrid , Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña.
The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico presentation emphasized the advanced state of implementation of the project, presenting the building Impulso Verde, the first public building in Galicia built entirely in Galician wood and which will mean the first step to develop the future Multiecological Neighborhood; the Catalog of Sustainable Urban Solutions GUD-Lugo, which includes 51 measures for sustainable development applicable to different scales of urban intervention and exportable to other medium-sized cities and the Calculator of Environmental Effects, one of the most innovative tools, which can be useful for other cities and sustainability projects.
The international UrbanByNature program, belonging to the international consortium Connectig Nature, promotes the exchange of knowledge and skills between local governments around the world that are involved in the search for sustainable solutions and related to nature, with the aim of combating climate change and coping with current urban challenges. This meeting brought together people responsible for projects related to Nature-Based Solutions from different cities in Spain, Portugal and Ireland, with the collaboration of the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Coimbra and Dublin.