LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico organizes a chestnut pruning workshop open to all neighbors

The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project promoted by the Concello de Lugo organizes, with the Campus Terra of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), a Chestnut pruning workshop to be held on November 18 and 25 and December 16 and 23
Every day there will be two sessions of the workshop, one at 4pm and one at 5pm, each session having an estimated duration of 1 hour, and will be free and open to all neighbors, by prior registration.
These workshops will consist in a practical training of pruning chestnuts to obtain fruit. Pruning practices will be carried out in the “Souto” of recent implementation of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project, located in the As Gándaras Industrial Estate. All these courses will be taught by Pablo Antonio Fraga Gontán, agricultural engineer, and Juan Luis Fernández Lorenzo, doctor of Biological Sciences and professor of the USC, both members of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project.
The aim of these days is also to disseminate among the neighbors of Lugo the research work that is being carried out from the USC Campus Terra regarding the benefits of the bioeconomy linked to the cultivation of native chestnut variants, as well as its care and characteristics. It is also intended to promote the use of our forest resources, which is being promoted through the Concello de Lugo.
These workshops will be held in the new green lung of Lugo, in As Gándaras, with a maximum of 15 people per session, selected in strict order of receipt of the request. Registration can be done through this form or by phone 981229422. Any modification or novelty related to these workshops (weather conditions , location, meeting point) will be notified through our social networks and the email provided by the registered persons.