LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico opens the urban forest of As Gándaras and organizes musical storytelling and guided tours

On weekends in August and September, the government of Lara Méndez and LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico open the urban forest of As Gándaras to the public and organize a series of guided tours and musical storytellers to this new green area of Lugo that may be visited freely or with a guided tour.
In the words of the mayor, Lara Méndez: “This will be the first time that this space has been opened to all the residents of Lugo, since until now the vegetation was in the implantation period”.
Within the framework of the collaboration of LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico with FEARMAGA (Business Federation of Sawyers and Rematants of Wood of Galicia) on August 7 there will be two activities for girls and boys from 3 years with the title “As Aventuras no bosque de Maruxa, Xaquín e Fuco“. The storytelling schedule in the morning shift will be at 11am and, in the afternoon shift, at 6pm. These activities aimed at children, include a musical storyteller and a visit to the urban forest while spreading environmental, economic and social values related to the forest and its care.
In addition, the girls and boys will receive a copy of the story “As Aventuras no bosque de Maruxa, Xaquín e Fuco” and didactic material from the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project.
Guided visits to the Gándaras Urban Forest, which will be held every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in August and September will be free, prior registration via email and all the health security protocols for outdoor events will be applied, with a maximum of 20 people per session and activity. Access to the plantations will be open to the public, from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm.
These visits will be carried out by professional guides who will accompany the assistants through the work in the urban forest, dividing the visits into three routes, two in the morning, specific, and a full one in the afternoon.
In the morning shift they will be:
- At 10 am, visit the area of Leafy Area, Energy crops and Souto. Estimated duration, one hour.
- At 11.30 am, visit plot of aromatic plants, Arboretum and Wetland of As Gándaras-O Ceao . Estimated duration, one hour.
On the afternoon shift:
- At 5 pm, complete route starting in the Leafy Area, Energy Crops, Souto, Aromatic plants, Arboretum and As Gándaras-O Ceao Wetland. Estimated duration, two hours.
The meeting points for the beginning of these visits, which will always be held with prior registration, can be consulted on this map:
We remember that for the correct development of all activities, both the guided tours and the storytellers, the use of a mask is mandatory and we also recommend the use of a cap or hat, as well as sun protection.