LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico has participated in the LIFE Platform Meeting in Brussels

The LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project has participated on June 17 and 18 in the LIFE Platform Meeting, the meeting of the LIFE Platform which has hosted all the projects with focus on action against climate change and sustainable construction, held in Brussels.
This meeting also invited different projects from the EU programme Horizon 2020 with the same subjects.
These conferences, organized by the European Climate Action Commission and the EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), have guaranteed the already created synergies between the different projects and provided information about them to different political decision-makers involved in construction and environment in the different EU countries.
The LIFE Platform Meeting has had different sessions by subjetc that, throughout two days of work, have dealt with European policies regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency in construction, climate resilience and strategies and mechanisms to transform the construction sector into one of the main actors in action against climate change. During these sessions, the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico presented its proposals for the adaptation of our city to the future climate and also the Impulso Verde proposal, the first public building built with Galician wood.
The project, and all the actions it is already carrying out, aroused great interest among the participants in the event, favouring the establishment of new collaborations in the future with other LIFE and Horizon 2020 projects.
The conclusions drawn from the work of these days will be exposed at the European Sustainable Energy Week, which is held in Brussels during these days.
In our photogallery you will find a good summary of these days in images: