LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico establishes contacts with the Horizon 2020 Hoop project

The City Council of Lugo, through LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico, met this past Monday, September 26, with members of the project Horizon 2020 Hoop.
HOOP is a project financed by European funds that seeks to develop initiatives related to the urban circular bioeconomy. The general objective of the project is to help unleash bio-based investments and promote the bioeconomy in a local format in Europe. Currently the Hoop project is being developed at a technical, economic, financial and legal level in eight cities in Europe, with the focus on the manufacture of bioproducts from urban wastewater and biowaste. These cities are Albano-Laziale (Italy), Almere (Low Countries), Bergen (Norway), Kuopio (Finland), Münster (Germany), Murcia (Spain), Gran O Porto (Portugal) and Western Macedonia (Greece).
The meeting took place at Cetaqua, the Centro Tecnolóxico da Auga in Galicia, who are technological partners of the Hoop project in our country. The objective of this meeting has been to establish contact between both projects and seek new ways of cooperation to use the most appropriate technologies for the recycling of biologicals.
From this meeting lines of action will be established for the generation of synergies between both projects.