LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico celebrates World Wetlands Day with a school activity

The World Wetlands Day is celebrated next Saturday 2 February . This day, promoted by the Ramsar (the United Nations treat for the protection of humid areas of the planet), focuses on this edition in the dissemination of information on the effects of climate change on wetlands. LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico includes within its actions the recovery of the As Gándaras wetland and its proposal as ENIL, so it decided to join the activities that will be developed from the United Nations that day and the following, with the aim of making known the importance of this type of land and its biodiversity.
From the project, and within the Foro Verde, will develop next February 7 an initiative in the CEIP Albeiros, one of the closest schools to the area of As Gándaras. The project will be presented to the 5th and 6th Primary students will be informed about the importance of the wetland in the fight against climate change and the different actions that from LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico they will carry out to recover this space. In addition, during this day will be given copies of the story of Os Bolechas and informative material for parents and staff of the school.
This event can also be viewed on the page of the Ramsar.