LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico celebrates EU Green Week with school events

This Monday April 29th we will celebrate in LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico the selected activity for the EU Green Week together with the students of IES Poeta Díaz Castro of Guitiriz.
On this day, 50 boys and girls from 2nd and 4th of ESO will visit the As Gándaras’s area of action , where they will be able to observe the different actions that are being developed in this area, through a route that will bring them closer to the hardwood forestry area, to energy crops, to the souto of chestnut trees, to the Arboretum and to the wetland between As Gándaras and O Ceao.
This year’s EU Green Week will take place from 13-17 May and will be dedicated to the influence of environmental laws on our lives. These laws are responsible for protecting nature, improving water and air quality, encouraging reuse and recycling initiatives and ensuring the improvement of the lives of Europe’s citizens. Although it is held in May, the activities that the different environmental commited projects carry out on the occasion of this week will take place on different dates throughout April and May 2019. In fact, continuing with this work of awareness, in the coming months we will have the visit of more schools of the city and the province , within the framework of our Foro Verde.