Establishment of synergies with the LIFE RenaturalNZEB project

This week LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico has just incorporated to the project replicability platform LIFE RenaturalNZEB.
This LIFE project, an initiative of Extremadura and Portugal, investigates new materials and construction systems by real prototypes that enable creation of buildings with low energy consumption, within the actions for Economía Verde y Circular of the Junta de Extremadura, within its strategy Impulsa Extremadura 2030. The project, promoted by the Dirección General de Arquitectura of the Junta de Extremadura, also has as partners the Instituto Tecnológico de Rocas Ornamentales y Materiales de Construcción (INTROMAC), the Universidad de Córdoba and URVIPEXA in Spain. On the Portuguese side, AMORIM ISOLAMENTOS and the Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico para a Construção, Energia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (ITECONS) participate.
The objective of the collaboration between both LIFE projects is the establishment of synergies facing sharing information and experiences in the promotion and development of solutions with natural and recycled components that allow reducing the carbon footprint of buildings, aimed at achieving Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Buildings and natural character.
We hope this collaboration will provide very good news for both projects.