A delegation of Catalan businessmen visit the Impulso Verde building

Last Monday, September 19, a delegation of Catalan businessmen visited the facilities of the Impulso Verde building, within the framework of activities to publicize the “Lugo Transforma” Strategy.
The visit to the City Council, in which the delegation was received by the mayor Lara Méndez, was headed by the councilor of the District of Nou Barris, Xavier Marcé, the representatives of the associations San Froilán BCN, Enxebre Xuntanza do Percebe, Territorio Verde and Amega, the World Association of Galician Entrepreneurs, Skal Internacional BCN Turismo, Aegacat, the Association of Galician Entrepreneurs of Catalonia, Area 8, the Association of Galician Entrepreneurs in Madrid and the Xuntanza of Galician Cultural Associations in Catalonia and Girona Audiovisual Cluster. Throughout the day they were able to learn about the progress made within the Lugo Transforma and the progress in the economic development of the city, always with the fight against climate change as the axis.
During the meeting, the mayor recalled that Lugo is, along with Cuenca and Barcelona, one of the three pioneering municipalities in promoting the creation of the Spanish Network for Industrialized Solid Wood Building, Mass Madera, which was presented this summer. A platform that aims to weave collaborative networks that help accelerate the use of wood as a solution to reduce emissions associated with the building sector.
The meeting ended with a guided visit to the Impulso Verde building, emblem of what will be the Multiecological Neighborhood of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico, which will be build with Galician wood. All the images of the visit are available in this gallery: