Lara Méndez said that much of the work in 18 months of government was devoted to get funding, reaching in record time around 22 M€ from Europe, that is to say, 1.2 millions per month.

The Mayor of Lugo, Lara Mendez, reviewed on Thursday in her speech of the Plenary Session of the state of the Municipality, the basic pillars of the action of her Government, based on non-negotiable premises pursued in a transversal way: consider “the person” as the centre of the attention of any action to be undertaken. Therefore, as the Mayor herself admitted, most of the work of this Government was linked to get financing, reaching in record time around 22 M€ of Europe, 1.2 million per month, “that should be useful to improve our citizens’ life.” Important projects were achieved, as Lugo + Biodynamic, Lugo Smart City, Muramiñae. Even today, the DOGA (Official Journal of Galicia) publishes the grant achieved for networking thermal biomass.

Lara Méndez analysed the situation of the city with a snapshot of data and information of the actions undertaken in different areas, serving as assessment of the 18 months along which the Government has been trying to “be helpful to the citizens of Lugo.”

Along these lines, an essential subject for the Municipal Government –mobility- must be highlighted. Regarding this point, Mendez informed that there will be modifications in the guidelines concerning the access to the urban centre, with the aim of reducing the number of cars circulating into and around the Wall’s perimeter. The proposal will be specified in the 1st quarter of the next year and will entail a limitation of the loading and unloading zones and times. “Lugo needs mobility, which always walks alongside sustainability,” said the alderwoman. The Local Police is an essential agent in mobility, so that the Government is modernising it to make it more effective and meet the needs of the 21st century.

Source: Concello de Lugo